Official Tourist Website of Poznań and the Poznań Agglomeration
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Tag: "Museums"

Photo: Adam Ciereszko
Rogalin, ul. Arciszewskiego 2 | Tel: +48 61 813 88 29
A residence among ancient oaks: from the Hogwarts-like palace library to the carriage collection [more]
Photo: Adam Ciereszko
Kórnik, ul. Zamkowa 5 | Tel: +48 531 990 142
Face to face with the White Lady: an aristocratic island residence [more]
Photo: Adam Ciereszko
Puszczykowo, ul. Słowackiego 1 | Tel: +48 61 813 37 94
A touch of the exotic: a travel writer's museum in a garden town [more]
Photo: Adam Ciereszko
Szreniawa, ul. Dworcowa 5 | Tel: +48 61 810 76 29 w. 21
Ah, the sweet countryside: The history of agriculture from the ploughshare to the aeroplane presented in a former farmhouse [more]
Photo: Adam Ciereszko
Swarzędz, ul. Poznańska 35 | Tel: +48 61 651 18 17
The bee’s knees: an open-air museum full of beehives [more]
Photo: Adam Ciereszko
Uzarzewo, ul. Akacjowa 12 | Tel: +48 61 81 81 211
About hunters, animals and hunting in a former noble manor house [more]
Photo: Łukasz Dyczkowski
Lusowo, ul. Ogrodowa 3a | Tel: +48 61 814 69 52
The fate of the insurgents: from the commander to the soldiers [more]
Photo: Adam Ciereszko
Śrem, ul. Mickiewicza 89 | Tel: +48 61 283 59 38
Cabinet of curiosities and other wonders: a lively museum on the Warta river promenade [more]
Photo: Adam Ciereszko
Swarzędz, ul. Bramkowa 6 | Tel: +48 61 279 85 94
A modern museum in a former fire station [more]
Photo: Piotr Basiński
Buk, ul. Mury 5 | Tel: +48 61 888 44 61
A unique meeting place: an event hall and exhibition on the history of the town in a former synagogue [more]
Photo: Piotr Basiński
Chludowo, ul. Kościelna 15 | Tel: +48 61 811 65 50
A museum with a mission: memorabilia of famous missionaries from India and South America [more]
Photo: Maciej Pawlik
Kiekrz, ul. Muzealna 5 | Tel: +48 61 848 20 51
A unique windmill with exotic accents [more]
Szamotuły, ul. Wroniecka 30 | Tel: +48 61 292 18 13
Icon collection and wood painting in the Black Princess's castle [more]
Photo: Adam Ciereszko
Poznań, ul. Góra Przemysława 1 | Tel: +48 61 856 80 75
A unique collection of utility items and a beautiful view of the city. [more]
Poznań, ul. Armii Poznań 1 | Tel: +48 61 820 45 03
A treat for military enthusiasts: the extensive collection of weapons at the former Winiary Fort. [more]
Poznań, ul. Kwiatowa 14/2 | Tel: +48 794 777 243
Fashion of yesteryear: a collection of clothing and accessories from the 19th and 20th centuries presented in a historic building. [more]
Poznań, Stary Rynek 3 | Tel: +48 61 853 19 93
How the people of Greater Poland won their freedom: the story of the victorious uprising in the historic guard building. [more]
Poznań, ul. Jana Lubrańskiego 1 | Tel: +48 61 852 61 95
The Archdiocesean Museum, founded by Archbishop Florian Stablewski in 1898, is the oldest museum facility in Poznań. It is located in Ostrów Tumski, in the former Lubrański Academy. [more]
Poznań, ul. Święty Marcin 80/82 | Tel: +48 22 539 79 05
A museum journey to the time of the first mass protest of workers against the communist regime in Poland. [more]
Poznań, ul. Stary Rynek 45 | Tel: +48 61 852 08 75
A musical feast: the largest collection of instruments in Poznań. [more]
Poznań, ul. Stary Rynek 41/2 | Tel: +48 690 077 800
The 'rogal świętomarciński' or St Martin's Croissant is rally unique. It can only be tasted in Poznań. It has also lived to see its museum. During a visit, which is a live demonstration, you will learn about its history and sweet taste. [more]
Poznań, ul. 3 Pułku Lotniczego 4 | Tel: +48 261 575 166
The museum tells the history of Polish armor in a coherent and thoughtful way. Four pavilions greet us with the smell of grease mixed with the smell of history, which proves that we are dealing with real military equipment, not just museum reconstructions [more]
Poznań, park Cytadela | Tel: +48 663 866 414
The Museum of 'Poznań' Army documents the military history of Greater Poland from the Greater Poland Uprising to the September Campaign of 1939 and the Polish armed underground during World War II. [more]
Poznań, ul. Stary Rynek 1 | Tel: +48 61 856 81 93
The pearl of the Renaissance era. [more]
Poznań, ul. Wodna 27 | Tel: +48 61 852 82 51
From Egyptian mummies to medieval strongholds: a collection of centuries-old artifacts in the Renaissance Górka palace. [more]
Poznań, ul. Św. Marcin 78 | Tel: +48 61 888 45 12
Discover what is hidden: the story of the Polish mathematicians who broke the cipher of the German Enigma machine and the story of the secrecy of information over the centuries. [more]
Poznań, ul. Ratajczaka 44 | Tel: +48 61 85 40 752
Unusual encounters with three-dimensional photography thanks to a nearly hundred-year-old invention. [more]
Poznań, al. Marcinkowskiego 9 | Tel: +48 61 85 68 000
It is one of the largest and oldest museums in Poland. It houses rich collections of art from antiquity to Polish avant-garde art. Here you can admire "The Beach in Pourville" - the only painting by the Impressionist Claude Monet in the Polish collection. [more]
Poznań, ul. Gdańska 2 | Tel: +48 61 647 76 00
Learn about the origins of Poznan and whole Poland! [more]
Mosina, ul. Niezłomnych 1 | Tel: +48 61 819 15 91
Center of local art and history in the building of a former synagogue [more]