Tag: "For walking"
Ah, the sweet countryside: The history of agriculture from the ploughshare to the aeroplane presented in a former farmhouse
Lake of attractions: walking and cycling route with the Nobel Prize winner's bench
Mighty giants: the picturesque old oak trees in the naturalistic landscape park
Good connection: a pedestrian and bicycle crossing over the river with good views not only of the Warta River
A striking palace in a well-kept park with a love story in the background
In search of spring: a picturesque white carpet of flowers in a forest ravine
At the heart of the forest: a rich collection of plants by the river and ponds in the Zielonka Forest
Biedrusko, ul. Poznańska 2b
lopuchowko.poznan.lasy.gov.pl/aktualnosci/-/asset_publisher/qyZ4/content/osrodek-edukacji-lesnej-w-lysym-mlynie Tel: +48 692 704 099 +48 692 704 099
lopuchowko.poznan.lasy.gov.pl/aktualnosci/-/asset_publisher/qyZ4/content/osrodek-edukacji-lesnej-w-lysym-mlynie Tel: +48 692 704 099 +48 692 704 099
New life for an old mill: Forest education centre at the mill pond
Animal Land: the second largest zoo in Poland.
A garden on Ogrody (Polish for gardens): a vast green oasis in the Ogrody district of Poznań.
Maltańskie Lake is a man-made reservoir created by damming the waters of the Cybina. Today it serves as one of Europe’s most
advanced regatta courses (2000 m long, 175 m wide).
At the gate of the stronghold: a picturesque walking route and lake cruises with a view of the magnificent castle among the trees of the Noteć Forest