Official Tourist Website of Poznań and the Poznań Agglomeration
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Tourist attractions - Surroundings of Poznań
Tourist attractions - Surroundings of Poznań
"Tourist attractions - Surroundings of Poznań" is a guide to selected tourist attractions around Poznań. Here you will find a short description of the most interesting, unusual and surprising tourist attractions available to visitors, divided into categories.

Individual thematic sections: history and architecture, nature, sports and recreation, and other attractions make it easier to find the places or attractions that interest us most. In addition to a short description, each attraction is illustrated with photos and interesting facts. This pocket folder is available in Polish, English and German. 

The publication is co-financed by Wielkopolska Region.

Files to download:

    Tourist attractions. Surroundings of Poznań - Polish version (pdf, 10 MB)Tourist attractions. Surroundings of Poznań - English version (pdf, 10 MB)Tourist attractions. Surroundings of Poznań - German version (pdf, 10 MB)
    Last update: 2025-01-16