Official Tourist Website of Poznań and the Poznań Agglomeration
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Tag: "Palaces manors castles"

Photo: Adam Ciereszko
Rogalin, ul. Arciszewskiego 2 | Tel: +48 61 813 88 29
A residence among ancient oaks: from the Hogwarts-like palace library to the carriage collection [more]
Photo: Adam Ciereszko
Kórnik, ul. Zamkowa 5 | Tel: +48 531 990 142
Face to face with the White Lady: an aristocratic island residence [more]
Photo: Adam Ciereszko
Szreniawa, ul. Dworcowa 5 | Tel: +48 61 810 76 29 w. 21
Ah, the sweet countryside: The history of agriculture from the ploughshare to the aeroplane presented in a former farmhouse [more]
Photo: Adam Ciereszko
Uzarzewo, ul. Akacjowa 12 | Tel: +48 61 81 81 211
About hunters, animals and hunting in a former noble manor house [more]
Gułtowy, Park im. A. Bnińskiego 1 | Tel: +48 61 818 01 80
A conference center in the impressive interiors of a classicist palace [more]
Szamotuły, ul. Wroniecka 30 | Tel: +48 61 292 18 13
Icon collection and wood painting in the Black Princess's castle [more]
Jankowice, ul. Ogrodowa 2 | Tel: +48 61 101 04 00
A striking palace in a well-kept park with a love story in the background [more]
Skrzynki, pl. Parkowy 1 | Tel: +48 691 838 221
The center of good tastes: a conference center and a culinary and cultural gem of the Poznań County [more]
Photo: Adam Ciereszko
Poznań, ul. Góra Przemysława 1 | Tel: +48 61 856 80 75
A unique collection of utility items and a beautiful view of the city. [more]
Poznań, ul. Święty Marcin 80/82 | Tel: +48 61 646 52 60
A thriving cultural centre in the striking interiors of Europe's youngest monarchical residence. [more]
Biedrusko, ul. 1 Maja 82 | Tel: +48 793 330 036
A palace with history: a military exhibition in impressive interiors [more]
Photo: Daria Koczorowska
At the gate of the stronghold: a picturesque walking route and lake cruises with a view of the magnificent castle among the trees of the Noteć Forest [more]