Official Tourist Website of Poznań and the Poznań Agglomeration
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Dwór Skrzynki

Dwór Skrzynki

The center of good tastes: a conference center and a culinary and cultural gem of the Poznań County

The history of the building dates back to the end of the 19th century. It had been built by the German Iffland family, who managed the farm until 1945. After World War II, the property became the state’s
property. The first modernization of the estate was carried out in the years 1986-1990 and then it served as a training and recreation center of the General Directorate for National Roads and
Motorways. Since 2015, the manor has been owned by the Poznań County, which financed a comprehensive restoration of the estate and buildings in accordance with the art of conservation.

Dwór Skrzynki is currently the seat of the Instytut Skrzynki (Skrzynki Institute) - the Institute for Documentation, Development and Promotion of Cultural and Culinary Heritage of the Poznań County.
The Institute is a self-government cultural institution established by the Poznań County in 2021, and the manor itself has been adapted into a conference and training center, where the Center of Cultural
and Culinary Heritage of the Poznań County, a photo gallery (Galeria Skrzynki), a restaurant and accommodation rooms also operate. The manor is a part of the Culinary Trail Tastes of the Poznań

In the ground floor of the mansion there is a Hall of Remembrance of Tradition which houses an exhibition of photos of the object from various periods and artifacts handed down by the descendants
of the Ifflands, related to their family.

Last update: 2024-02-01

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